Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL)

The Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) is a 'hands on' option for students in Years 11 and 12. Like the VCE the VCAL is a recognised senior qualification. Unlike the VCE which is widely used by students as a pathway to university, the VCAL focuses on 'hands on learning'. Students who do the VCAL are more likely to be interested in going on to training at TAFE, doing an apprenticeship, or getting a job after completing Year 12.

The VCAL framework qualification enables accredited curriculum from a range of sources to be grouped into coherent learning programs at the following three award levels:

  • Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (Foundation)
  • Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (Intermediate)
  • Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (Senior)

At Diamond Valley College in Year 11, you will be placed either at the Foundation Level or Intermediate Level, depending on your Year 10 results, your learning requirements and needs. Each VCAL certificate recognises completion of a senior secondary qualification and primarily prepares students for further studies at the next VCAL level, in VCE, in Vocational Education and Training and/or employment. Each certificate usually takes 12 months to complete.

Course requirements

To be awarded, a VCAL certificate student must successfully complete a learning program made up of accredited curriculum that leads to a minimum of 10 credits and include curriculum components each of which can be justified against the purpose statement for one of the four VCAL curriculum strands. The curriculum components must be drawn from VCAL/VCE units and Vocational Education and Training Courses.

  • Strand 1 - Literacy and Numeracy Skills
  • Strand 2 - Industry Specific Skills
  • Strand 3 - Work Related Skills
  • Strand 4 - Personal Development Skills

Students who start their VCAL and then decide they would like to complete their VCE are able to transfer between certificates, however, it needs to be recognised that this is a difficult process. Any VCE studies successfully completed as part of the VCAL program will count towards the VCE.

A certificate and statement of results will be issued to students who successfully complete their VCAL.