Foundation Mathematics

Unit 1 & 2

Foundation Mathematics provides for the continuing mathematical development of students entering VCE and who do not necessarily intend to undertake Unit 3 and 4 studies in VCE Mathematics in the following year.

In Foundation Mathematics there is a strong emphasis on the use of mathematics in practical contexts encountered in everyday life in the community, at work and at study. The areas of study for Units 1 and 2 of Foundation Mathematics are ‘Space, shape and design’, ‘Patterns and number’, ‘Data’ and ‘Measurement’.

Space, shape and design

Students cover the geometric properties of lines and curves, and shapes and objects, and their graphical and diagrammatic representations with attention to scale and drawing conventions used in domestic, societal, industrial and commercial plans, maps and diagrams.

Patterns and number

Students cover estimation, the use and application of different forms of numbers and calculations, and the representation of patterns and generalisations in number including formulas and other algebraic expressions in everyday contexts.


Students cover collection, presentation and analysis of gathered and provided data from community, work, recreation and media contexts, including consideration of suitable forms of representation and summaries.


Students cover the use and application of the metric system and related measurement in a variety of domestic, societal, industrial and commercial contexts, including consideration of accuracy.


The student should be able to:

  • use and apply a range of mathematical concepts, skills and procedures from selected areas of study to solve problems based on a range of everyday and real-life contexts.
  • apply mathematical procedures to solve practical problems in both familiar and new contexts, and communicate their results.
  • select and use technology to solve problems in practical contexts.


Units 1 and 2

The award of satisfactory completion for a unit is based on the teacher’s decision that the student has demonstrated achievement of the set of outcomes specified for the unit; determined by evidence gained through the assessment of a range of learning activities and tasks. These may include investigations and projects; assignments, summary or review notes of mathematics that students have encountered in their work or study; and tests of mathematical skills developed across application contexts.

Contact Teacher - Glenys Kidd