Research Material

Resource Why use this resource? Suitability Resource available
VCAA website All information about VCE, VCAL and Vocational education including SBAT (School based Apprenticeship & Traineeships) All levels
VICTER 2018 for year 12
VICTER 2017 for year 11
VICTER 2019 for year 10
Available on website
Essential resource for University and TAFE course selection providing information on prerequisites and middle band subjects Year 12
Year 11
Year 10

Book resource available sub school and library
VICTER 2017 for year 10 (newspaper availability July 2015)
Online Courselink

VTAC Guide published July each year for Year 12 students on website Information on ATAR, course, institution details and how to apply for Uni and TAFE Year 12
Other levels as guide
VTACMag. VTACmag will be available for purchase in printed format from newsagents (RRP $7.95 inc. GST), and for tablets and smartphones as an eMagazine ($4.49 inc. GST).
VTAC Archive Search To enable students to search the range of courses on offer in the previous year. Year 12
Year 11
Year 10
Skills Gateway Resource for identifying Vocational Education courses, and providers.
Open Day schedule for Universities and TAFE Full listing of open day schedule available on VTAC website Highly recommended that students visit different institutions Parent Newsletter Online
Course Camel Searchable database for tertirary courses.
Job Outlook Website provides current information about careers, jobs, employment conditions All levels
TAFE Course Directory Produced every year
Details of all TAFE courses
All levels VCE Study Centre
Course Handbooks Handbooks provided by TAFE and Universities contains detailed information about courses and subjects offered All levels - mostly year 12 Copies available from VCE Study Centre
Collect at TIS & Open Days
Where to now? A guide to the VCE, VCAL, VET and Apprenticeships and Traineeships Suitable Years 9, 10, 11 and 12 Printed copy of this given to Yr 10 students at the VCE information night.
My Future Online career exploration and information service Suitable any level
WIRL Career explorer tool, with Quizzes, and up to date pathways information, and video clips for some occupations. Suitable any level
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